So much has happened this week, and will happen, I don't know quite where to start.
Well, okay; let's start with the good stuff, because the bad stuff is pretty bad.
I got the final book on
Cat of a Different Color (YAY!), and it looks absolutely
gorge. It is totally fierce. And I got to chat on
Chatting With Joyfully Reviewed! That was a lot of fun! (I'll have to try and chat there a little more often!)
On the truly busy side, work is progressing on
Save A Horse. Why am I working on that? I realized that the deadline for the cowboy anthology at Samhain is December 1, that's why! So I need to get a move-on if I want to submit
Save for that. Travis is not happy, but he's being a good sport about it.
My tenth wedding anniversary is tomorrow (love you, Dusty! Here's to thirty or forty more years) and we
still don't know what we want to do to celebrate.
Our plans have been put on temporary hold for the other reason I'm kind of flaky this week, aka the bad news. I found out Tuesday that a cousin passed away suddenly. It was a total shock, because he was in such good health! He was the same age as my mother, worked out, didn't smoke or drink, yet he had a heart attack while in Washington on business. We're waiting to find out when the funeral will be, so our plans are on hold until we hear back.
So yeah, I didn't want to say anything until the week was drawing to a close. I didn't want anything to be colored by the bad, but of course I know I haven't been completely on my game this week. So this weekend I will be mostly out of touch as I wait to see what's going on with my family.
So as much as I love
Cat, and my chat with
Joyfully Reviewed, the best part of this week? Ten years with my husband.
Love you, sweetheart.