That I'm writing a story (for instance, say, Hecate's Own) and these other characters from another story *coughNorwegianWoodcough* will NOT shut up, but the minute I put fingers to keys to type out their story they clamp their mouths shut tighter than a nun's legs at an all male revue?
I mean, seriously. I couldn't get them to shut up the whole time I was finishing Zach and Jo. Now I'm having trouble getting them to talk at all. The only one who won't shut up is a secondary character who was supposed to be dead by the end of Chapter One, and who is now a ghost who follows Fen around and generally makes his unlife fun thanks to a funky karmic twist of fate.
I'm starting to wonder if all that green blood is playing with Fen's brain. Or maybe mine. I'm not sure anymore.
Anyway, work progresses sloooooowly on Norwegian Wood. I haven't hit the 10k words mark yet, but I plan on having that happen by the end of the week if not sooner. Even if I have to shove my hand up their butts and move their mouths for them.