Apparently one of my biggest problems is spastic faces.
No. Seriously.
Eyeballs twinkle and roam all over the damn place. (I keep thinking of a beholder on LSD.) Lips try to teach us the Macarena, even though that dance is so dead even Anita Blake couldn't bring it back.
I know. It's not a pretty picture.

Who'd want to kiss that?
So now I'm in the process of once again taming those roving eyeballs and spastic lips while a three and a half year old repeatedly pokes me with a plastic toy. Ah, the joys of writing...
So what's your pet peeve in a story? Is it roving eyeballs and spastic lips? Is it "he said/she said" after every bit of dialog? Is it lengthy, prolonged, utterly boring descriptions of places that you'd rather chew broken glass than visit? (I'm a huge LoTR fan. I've read and reread the books ten or eleven times, and even I skip a particular chapter in The Two Towers. I feel like Nina Garcia on Project Runway: "Don't bore me!")
And on that note, it's tea and red pen time.