My youngest is now in kindergarten. *sniffle* It's so quiet. And he's only been gone ten minutes! I have the feeling that I'm going to get into the "groove", the work will be going well... and this feeling of dread will come over me. It's too quiet. They're up to something, I just know it. Then I'll remember they're in school. No "Mommy, can I make a fort out of sofa cushions?" At least not until they come home.
When R started school M was still a baby, so I've had one of my kids with me for the last ten years. This feels really strange, like I let them sleep in or something. On the other hand, I should be able to get a TON of work done when my arthritis isn't bothering me. Bunny's been chattering up a storm, but with all the back-to-school stuff I've had to do in the last six days no writing has gotten done. I'm hoping to fix that today.
So if you talk to me today and I seem like a distracted basket case... I am.
I remember when my youngest went to school. I kept walking around the house looking for something to do. I finally turned on the stereo and TV for noise and did some house work and read a book, it was the longest 6 hours of my life. My best advice is you'll get used to it, by next summer you'll be wishing them back in school about a week after it starts.
More than likely. I'm trying to bury myself in work, which isn't a bad thing. Bunny should be done in no time! :D
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