Where to start? Oh, I know! The good! I'm pretty excited about the good. I'm halfway through my first NaNoWriMo, literally. I've passed the 25k mark and I couldn't be happier. Things aren't going quite the way I expected with
Noble Blood, but that's half the fun of something like this. Start writing and see where it takes you without editing.
Admittedly, I did go back and add a character that I'd completely forgotten about. And since she's both important to the current plot and the heroine of the next book, well, I couldn't leave her completely out. But I didn't flesh her scenes out, just put them in so I remember to take care of it in The Meat Grinder. I had a working title for Shane Joloun Dunne's book, but it will probably be changed thanks to the way this girl is working out. I'm thinking the title might be something along the lines of
Treasured.Second (the bad), I'm finally going to see my doctor about my migraines and possibly switching my medication. The Imitrex keeps me from descending into the bowels of hell while a sadistic gnome tries to batter his way out of the top of my skull with a ballpeen hammer. (Do they still make those?) But I'm hearing from a lot of other migraine sufferers that my symptoms should go away after taking these meds and, since they're not I should switch it out.
Now I don't get migraines that come, I say "Owie", I take Excedrin Migraine and I'm better in a day or two. I get puking so hard you're peeing yourself while every mote of light is a stab at your brain through your eyeballs for about an hour. That lovely experience is followed by the feeling that your head is both floating and about to explode, and God forbid any lights are on between me and the bed. Then I pretty much pass out with a cold wet washcloth over my face. Yeah.
Those kinds of migraines. The ones you hear about and think "It can't be that bad." Well, I've gone through a birth where they turned off the epidural and my son got stuck in my pelvis (a nurse I know actually winced when I told her that); I've had the front of a tooth sheer completely off, exposing the nerve, and had to wait a day before a dentist could see me; and I've had migraines.
I debate which one I'd rather go through. They're
that bad. The Imitrex so far, if I take it at the right time, keeps me from getting sick. I still get the migraine, but not as badly. And yes, I'm learning all my triggers. Sodium nitrate has pretty much been eliminated from my diet, but there's not much I can do about weather changes. Stress will always be there but I'm learning to let things go since it's a major player in whether or not I'll get one. Still, if I can stop it in its tracks that would be so much better. Hence me actually listening to people and going to the doctor.
Pity my husband. Getting me to worry about my own health is like dragging an elephant by its trunk while someone tries to shove a Buick-sized pill up its butt. I worry a
lot more about him and the kids than I do about me. He's the one who called the doc!
Now for the OMFG. I got a tweet from the lovely Bree half of
Moira Rogers letting me know that
Dare to Believe was #2 at FictionWise. And Bella, one of the Samhain Cafe moderators, let me know that
Only In My Dreams is #1 at MBaM! How freakin' cool is that?