And all is mostly well. I'm almost done first round edits for Eye of the Beholder; I've filled out and filed some necessary paperwork; and Operation Get The Kids' Butts Out The Door Toot Sweet is going along nicely. I think.
Every year around this time we start "dry runs", getting the kids out of bed, dressed, fed, and into shoes and backpacks just as if they were heading for school, because as of Wednesday it's real. They're back in school. R starts middle school this year and M is in first grade, so they get to go at different times. I gave Dusty two choices: get up earlier and deal with the older, and easier, child or sleep in a little later and deal with the younger, more difficult child. See, R will get up, get dressed, joke around and be ready to go no matter how tired he is. M will start the week as Spongebob ("I'm ready! I'm ready!") and end it as Squidward ("Do I haaaave toooo?").
Ah, I can hear his snores now...
I'm hoping to be back at writing new material full time next week. It sucks that I had to take a little over a month off to deal with the tummy, but I'm finally feeling better and Dave and Ben are ready to beat their way out of my head. I'm not sure what my next project will be, but I'm still leaning towards either the sci-fi romance I wanted to do or Shane and Akane of The Gray Court. Once Ben and Dave are done, I'll know for sure.
But I do know that my NaNoWriMo project will be Howl For Me, Jeff and Fenris's story from the True Destiny series. That one has been running around in my head for over a year, and I'm finally able to work on it.
So. That's it for this week. I'm going to try and blog a little more often now that I'm mostly back on my feet, and some time next week I'll announce the contest for a signed print copy of Animal Attraction, so stay tuned!
I will point out that part of the consideration for getting up earlier was the ability to nap later in the day. I have an 8-5 job. My boss wouldn't appreciate me taking regular naps. My beloved Dana, on the other hand, is easily able to make arrangements with her boss.
My boss? Would that be R and M? ;D
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