I'm sure you've noticed the huge honking, computer-using raisin graphic up above. Well, it's there because NaNoWriMo started last week, and I've decided to participate. I'm working on Jeff and Fenris's story, Howl for Me, and enjoying the heck out of it... when I can write.
See, the first day of NaNoWriMo I started off fairly well. I got a good wordcount in, and things were rolling nicely. I had good starting points, the plot is outlined, and I know exactly where I'm going. But I started to feel sick by the end of the day, and before it was over I had a fever.
I can't tell if I'm one of the lucky ones or the unlucky ones. Usually, when I get a fever, it's enough to make me feel ookie but not enough to send me to the doc's. It also tends to last for a week or longer, so I feel ookie for a while. Dusty, when he gets sick, gets REALLY sick but only for a day or two.
He says I'm the lucky one. I'm still not sure, because thanks to my little "cold" I'm behind on my NaNo word count by 4k.
That's FOUR THOUSAND words. Two whole days of work (for me; I know people who do that in half an hour).
So this week and next will be scrambling to play catch-up... except R is home sick and M has a doctor's appointment this morning. Oh, and the boys' bathroom is about to be ripped out, and...
You're right. What the hell was I thinking?
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