In the space of two days it went from 68 degrees out to 13 degrees WITH SNOW. Needless to say, I can barely walk and my hands feel like someone took a tire iron to them. Hell, even the joints that don't normally hurt are aching. Needless to say, today is an arthritis day and I won't be online except for major things.
Have a good day, everyone!
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Monday, February 21, 2011
I Am A Bad, Bad Girl...
I'm pretty sure I've mentioned at some point that I adore playing video games, especially ones where there is a "romance" option available. NeverWinter Nights springs immediately to mind, both 1 and 2, though my preference is for NWN2: Mask of the Betrayer. Gotta love Gann, that smooth talking Spirit Shaman who wants to be swept off his feet whether he knows it or not.
So recently, I suggested Dusty pick up Dragon Age: Origins, since he was becoming bored with his other games and looking for something new. He replied, "You first." Needless to say we both picked it up, and I began playing last week while I was sick.
I have to say, I adore it. There are both straight and gay romance options in this game! SQUEE! They storyline is fairly juicy (save the world, get the guy/girl of your dreams, etc., etc.) and the responses of the NPC's are human, rather than robotic answers. There is no black and white in DA:O; sometimes what seems like the right choice winds up being the wrong one for all the right reasons. Kudos to the authors who wrote this storyline. I think they hit more right notes than wrong ones. So much so I've already preordered the sequel. In fact, I've enjoyed it so much I've done something I never do: I downloaded mods to make the romance more "realistic" and other mods to alter the hairstyles of my PC's (yes, I've played it through more than once, much to Dusty's dismay since for once I'm giving HIM advice on how to play!)
For those of you who have played DA:O and want to know whether I'm camp Alistair...

or camp Zevran?

That, my friends, is a damn tough call to make. While I do love a guy willing to express his feelings (Alistair) there's something about a tough assassin who can't say the words but feels the emotion anyway. Besides, unless you play the Human Noble origin and take all the appropriate steps, Zev is the one who would be willing to marry the PC! And Zev doesn't give a damn about gender or race, so if you want to play M/M, he's your man. (There's Leliana for anyone who wants to play through a F/F storyline, and Morrigan for a straight M/F if you want to run through as a guy and not hit on Zev.) Although to be fair to Al, my dwarf noble just got a love declaration from him, so race doesn't matter to him either. Just gender.
Maybe I should play through one more time. Just to decide. Right?
P.S.: Bioware, keep up the good work! Looking forward to playing Hawke when Dragon Age 2 comes out in March.
P.P.S.: You can find videos on YouTube with these guys and the game play if you're interested. I found some of my favorite mods that way.
P.P.P.S; This is a MATURE GAME. There are love scenes in this, and the female city elf has... issues I'd rather not say on my blog. Just know, this is not a game for the kids. My twelve year old peeked over my shoulder and I said "NO" before he could even ask.
So recently, I suggested Dusty pick up Dragon Age: Origins, since he was becoming bored with his other games and looking for something new. He replied, "You first." Needless to say we both picked it up, and I began playing last week while I was sick.
I have to say, I adore it. There are both straight and gay romance options in this game! SQUEE! They storyline is fairly juicy (save the world, get the guy/girl of your dreams, etc., etc.) and the responses of the NPC's are human, rather than robotic answers. There is no black and white in DA:O; sometimes what seems like the right choice winds up being the wrong one for all the right reasons. Kudos to the authors who wrote this storyline. I think they hit more right notes than wrong ones. So much so I've already preordered the sequel. In fact, I've enjoyed it so much I've done something I never do: I downloaded mods to make the romance more "realistic" and other mods to alter the hairstyles of my PC's (yes, I've played it through more than once, much to Dusty's dismay since for once I'm giving HIM advice on how to play!)
For those of you who have played DA:O and want to know whether I'm camp Alistair...

or camp Zevran?

That, my friends, is a damn tough call to make. While I do love a guy willing to express his feelings (Alistair) there's something about a tough assassin who can't say the words but feels the emotion anyway. Besides, unless you play the Human Noble origin and take all the appropriate steps, Zev is the one who would be willing to marry the PC! And Zev doesn't give a damn about gender or race, so if you want to play M/M, he's your man. (There's Leliana for anyone who wants to play through a F/F storyline, and Morrigan for a straight M/F if you want to run through as a guy and not hit on Zev.) Although to be fair to Al, my dwarf noble just got a love declaration from him, so race doesn't matter to him either. Just gender.
Maybe I should play through one more time. Just to decide. Right?
P.S.: Bioware, keep up the good work! Looking forward to playing Hawke when Dragon Age 2 comes out in March.
P.P.S.: You can find videos on YouTube with these guys and the game play if you're interested. I found some of my favorite mods that way.
P.P.P.S; This is a MATURE GAME. There are love scenes in this, and the female city elf has... issues I'd rather not say on my blog. Just know, this is not a game for the kids. My twelve year old peeked over my shoulder and I said "NO" before he could even ask.
Monday, February 14, 2011
I Blame R
I've been sick all weekend, so not much got done (and I'm betting not much will get done today, either). I blame R, who was sick not too long ago. M seems to have it too, but like the stubborn six year old he is he's loudly declaring "I DON'T HAVE A HEAD COLD!" while sniffling and coughing, just so he doesn't have to make Robitussin Ookie-Face.
(Of course, he might be reluctant to take it because he caught me trying to sponge off my tongue after I took it, but who knows for sure?)
Anyway, I'm officially declaring today a sick day. Blech. I had plans for today that had to be cancelled. However, I made sure to post something to Coffee Write. The Master is making his first appearance in Ice Blue!
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Cyn and Julian's Song
I started writing this morning and this song popped up on my playlist. I realized, Oh. THIS is Julian and Cyn's song!
Thursday, February 3, 2011
6th Annual Stroke of Midnight Contest - Short in ALMOST ALL Categories - Extended Until Feb 7th
Passionate Ink, one of my RWA chapters, hosts an unpublished author's contest every year. This year they're woefully short of entries. Anyone interested (or willing to pass this along to those who might be)? Here's the info!
Please help by forwarding the announcement below to your loops and tweeting your friends. Even better - if you can, enter the contest. The odds of making the finals are great!
We need 5 more historical entries, 5 more Sci Fi/Fant/Fut entries, 1 more paranormal and 2 more novellas for viable categories.
Permission to Forward Granted
Passionate Ink's Sixth Annual Stroke of Midnight Contest
EXTENDED to Feb 7th - Short in ALL Categories especially HISTORICAL, SCI FI/FANTASY and NOVELLA!
Link to Enter - registration
Make the first 35 pages of your novel so compelling that an editor has
to have more!
Five Sizzling Finalists in Five Categories:
Contemporary – novels with erotic elements that focus on the
developing romantic relationship in a contemporary setting. Includes
series and single-title length romances. Can also include elements of
romantic suspense/intrigue.
Historical – novels with erotic elements that focus on the developing
romantic relationship in a historical setting.
Futuristic/Fantasy/Sci-fi – novels with erotic elements that focus on
the developing romantic relationship in any setting in the future, an
alternate world/reality, or another planet. Includes elements such as
elves/faerie, sword & sorcery, aliens, etc.
Paranormal/Time Travel – novels with erotic elements that focus on the
developing romantic relationship in any setting that includes elements
of time travel, angels, vampires, werewolves or other paranormal
Novellas - novellas of 10,000 to 25,000 words with erotic elements
that focus on developing romantic relationship in any setting.
**All categories are open to alternative lifestyle entries and any
entry that reflects an erotic romance between two or more people,
straight, gay, bi, or any romantic combination.**
All entries must be in RTF format.
All entries must be at least 10,000 words in their completed form.
Link to Enter - registration
Judging and Prizes:
First Round: Preliminary-round judging will be completed by three
qualified judges – Passionate Ink and other RWA members experienced in critiquing and/or published authors familiar with your genre. All
scores will be added and averaged to determine the entrant’s ranking.
Every attempt will be made to provide entrants with detailed score
sheets and judges’ comments from this preliminary round. Top five
entries in each category will move to final round.
Final Round: The top five finalists in each category will be ranked by
the following industry professionals:
Contemporary: Angela James, Carina Press
Historical: Treva Harte, Loose ID
Futuristic/Fantasy/Sci-fi: Kelli Collins, Ellora’s Cave
Paranormal/Time Travel: Melissa Jeglinski, The Knight Agency
Novellas: Lindsey Faber, Samhain Publishing
First place winners in each category will receive a free one year
membership in Passionate Ink ($25 value), a certificate, and an award
graphic for their website. (Writing teams will split the membership.)
All other finalists will receive certificates and a finalist graphic
for their website. All entries will be returned after finalists are
determined and statistical information is complete. Winners will be
announced at the Passionate Ink gathering at the Romance Writers’ of
America National Conference in New York. Results will be listed on the
Passionate Ink website, in the chapter’s newsletter, as well as have
their names published in the Romance Writer’s Report.
The decisions of judges are final.
Rules for Entry
All contest entrants must be 18 years of age by the contest entry deadline date. Contest is open to all authors with unpublished, uncontracted
full-length erotic romance manuscripts of at least 25,000 words
(except novellas which must be at least 10,000) in the category they
wish to enter.
Entry Deadline & Submission:
Entry Form and details - contests
All entries must be electronic in RTF format. All entries must be in one file. All entries and payment must be received completed by MIDNIGHT EST Feb 7, 2011. All materials, including entries and entry fees, must be
received by that date.
Submit questions via email to It is the
author’s responsibility to enter the manuscript in the correct
category. All clarifications as to category should be made prior to
Entrants may enter as many categories as they wish with DIFFERENT
submissions, but cannot enter the same manuscript in two categories.
Each entry must be accompanied by the appropriate entry fee either via
a mailed check or online PayPal payment.
There is a minimum requirement of 10 entries per category. If a
category does not receive a sufficient number of submissions to make
the category viable, the category will be canceled. The entrant will
be asked to provide a second choice of categories. If the entrant does
not wish to place the entry in another category, the entry and
associated fees will be returned.
Entry Form and details -
Entry Fees:
Passionate Ink members: $15
Others: $25
Email payments via PayPal to:
or mail payments to:
Stroke of Midnight Contest
c/o Robin L. Rotham
PO Box 2412
Norfold, NE 68701
Make checks payable to: Passionate Ink
Entry fees must be received prior to the entry deadline.
Include your name in the subject line and the titles of your
entry(ies) in the comments box, if paying via PayPal. Include the
title of your entry in the Memo field if paying via check.
Entry Format:
All entries must be electronic in RTF format. The synopsis and entry
must be in the same file.
Send a maximum of the first 35 pages of your manuscript (20 pages for
novella entries).
Entries must be in proper manuscript format: One sided, double-spaced
with one inch margins all around, size 12 font (like Times New
Roman or Courier) is recommended.
On the first page only, title and category on top left; page number on
top right. Subsequent pages should include only title and page number.
Name of author should not appear anywhere on manuscript; the entry
will be disqualified if name is on submission.
A synopsis of up to 5 single-spaced pages (which will not be judged)
must also be included. No cover page is necessary.
Link to Enter -
Email questions to Sharon at
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Favorite Quotes
"I had the right to remain silent, but I didn't have the ability." Ron White
"So let me get this straight. You want me to kill the little guys, kill the big guys, crowd control those I can't, buff the team, debuff the boss, keep myself alive, AND keep you alive, all while waving a stick and dressed in a towel?" - Anonymous Role Playing Gamer
"I think that statue over there is a statement on modern life. The statement is, "Well, shit." - Varric, Dragon Age II
"Why is it all claws and guns? Can't we piss off a fuzzy planet? Still dangerous, but hey. Bunnies." - Joker, Mass Effect
"Last night, I lay in bed looking up at the stars in the sky and thought to myself, "Where the heck is the ceiling?" - Dilbert
"Aim at the high mark and you will hit it. No, not the first time, not the second time and maybe not the third. But keep on aiming and keep on shooting for only practice will make you perfect. Finally you'll hit the bull's-eye of success." - Annie Oakley
"It is only when you fall that you learn whether you can fly." - Flemeth, aka The Witch of the Wilds, Dragon Age 2
"The very existence of flamethrowers proves that sometime, somewhere, someone said to themselves, 'You know, I want to set those people over there on fire, but I’m just not close enough to get the job done.'” - George Carlin
"I hear there's a wild bridge tournament down the street. And you know Bridge. It's a lot like sex. If you don't have a great partner, you'd better have a good hand." Barry Weiss, Storage Wars
"You know, I used to think it was awful that life was so unfair. Then I thought, wouldn't it be much worse if life were fair, and all the terrible things that happen to us come because we actually deserve them? So, now I take great comfort in the general hostility and unfairness of the universe." - Marcus Cole, Babylon 5, "A Late Delivery From Avalon"
"I aim to misbehave." - Capt. Malcolm Reynolds
"Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid." - Albert Einstein
“If you think you can or think you cannot, you are correct.” - Henry Ford