... my grandmother, who's always been there for me even when she disagreed with my choices.
... my boys, both of whom brighten my life in their own, unique ways.
... my mom, who blusters and orders us around but has a heart of gold.
... my dad, for his great booming laugh and the way he has of making things seem like they're really not that bad.
... my friends, who've stuck by me no matter what crazy stuff I come up with.
... my brother and sister, for keeping me from growing up pompous and arrogant, and STOP LAUGHING! Goofs. It's not that funny. Sheesh.
... my m-i-l, step-m-i-l and f-i-l. Yup, I'm one of the lucky ones; they're great people, and I'm not ashamed to toot their horns.
... my niece and nephews, who are growing up to be the most incredible people. I'm grateful to know you guys, and looking forward to the "I knew them when". I am so gonna brag, let me tell you!
... the chance to finally prove I can make my writing my living. Thanks, Angie and Samhain!
... the wonderful man I married, who right now is cursing the Thrax and wishing he had a chain gun. He encourages me, helps me over humps, supports me when I need it and helps me fly. He's my best friend and the best thing that ever happened to me. I love you, sweetheart.
Happy Thanksgiving.
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