I'm finally back to writing! WOOT! I've got some more done on Ben and Dave's story; the first round edits are done on Eye of the Beholder; and my ass hurts from sitting thanks to my arthritis.
But my tummy feels fine! WOOT!
Looks like I'll be back in the full swing of things by next week; this week I'm dedicating myself to getting Ben and Dave, if not done, then close to it.
Worth Fighting For is supposed to be novella length; we'll have to see if I can keep it there. I'm about to hit the first sex scene; I might wait until the kids are in school on Wednesday to write it, but write the aftermath first. The little one keeps looking over my shoulder and that's an education he can live without for the next few years.
In other writing related news, I'm starting to hear a LOT of voices; sifting through them is going to be a bitch and a half. Right now my plan hasn't changed. Shane and Akane of The Gray Court will be next, followed by Jeff and Fenris of True Destiny (which means two out of the three stories right now are M/M). After that,
Stern Negotiations, because the space pirate captain is getting ready to board and I forgot to load my space cannons. Argh.
For those of you looking for more Halle books, I'm leaning towards doing Julian and Cyn after
Stern, with Ryan and Glory a close second. That might change, but when I think of the next Halle book, it's always Julian who's in the forefront of my mind. Chloe and Jim will follow Ryan and Glory's book, with Julian playing an important role in their mating. Chloe has a long road to travel before she gets her HEA with Jim, and it's not going to be all roses and peeled grapes.
So I'm glad to finally have my fingers on the keyboard and writing again. It's been a long few weeks, but I'm raring to go!
P.S.: I JUST added the buy link for
Bear Necessities at Fictionwise to my website, so if you've been waiting, it's available now! (If the link doesn't appear to be there, try hitting your Refresh button; that should solve the issue.)