Thursday, November 27, 2008
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
New Glasses
Once I have them I'll post a picture. In the meantime, have a good morning, everyone! :D
The new glasses! I'll try to get some other shots to show you at Thanksgiving tomorrow.
And you can't tell in the picture, but they're kind of a cross between blue and purple!
Monday, November 24, 2008
My Voice Has Fallen And It Can't Get Up

Friday, November 21, 2008
Passionate Plume Erotic Romance Contest
Passionate Ink is holding their yearly contest for erotic romance! There are two parts to the contest: one for published authors and one for non-published authors. So check it out!
We're open for entries in our two erotic romance contests--for published and unpublished manuscripts. The only all-erotic contest in RWA.
Full contest information can be found here: http://www.passionateink.org/contests
Here are the details!
Passionate Ink's Fourth Annual
Deadline: 2/7/09
The only published, all erotic romance award in RWA!
Five Sizzling Finalists in Five Categories:
Contemporary - novels with erotic elements that focus on the developing romantic relationship in a contemporary setting. Includes series and single-title length romances. Can also include elements of romantic suspense/intrigue.
Historical - novels with erotic elements that focus on the developing romantic relationship in a historical setting.
Futuristic/Fantasy/Sci-fi -novels with erotic elements that focus on the developing romantic relationship in any setting in the future, an alternate world/reality, or another planet. Includes elements such as elves/faerie, sword and sorcery, aliens, etc.
Paranormal/Time Travel - novels with erotic elements that focus on the developing romantic relationship in any setting that includes elements of time travel, angels, vampires, werewolves or other paranormal themes.
Novellas - novellas of 25,000 words or less with erotic elements that focus on the developing romantic relationship in any setting. All novels entered must be at least 25,000 words in length. Novellas are considered 10,000 to 25,000 words. All categories are open to alternative lifestyle entries–and any entry that reflects an erotic romance between two or more people, straight, gay, bi, or any romantic combination.
Judging and Prizes:
First Round: Will be judged by readers, writers, reviewers, booksellers and librarians.
Final Round: Five finalists will be judged by multi-published authors and reviewers. The decisions of judges are final. Winners will be announced at the Passionate Ink gathering at RWA National in San Francisco. First place winners will receive a Passionate Ink pendant and an award graphic for their website. All others will receive certificates and a finalist graphic for their website. Results will be listed in Passionate Ink’s newsletter, on the website, as well as have their names published in the ROMANCE WRITER’S REPORT.
Rules for Entry
1. Contest is open to all published authors (25,000 word min. to be considerated “published” for all categories except Novella, which allows authors published in shorter works of 10,000 words or more) in the erotic romance sub-genre with any erotic romance publisher (regardless of RWA non-subsidy, non-vanity publisher status).
2. All entries must possess a first copyright date or first North American printing date of 2008.
Entry Deadline and Mailing: Mail print entries and materials to:
Passionate Ink
Passionate Plume Contest
c/o Karen Steele
1304 Forest Marsh Dr
Neptune Beach, FL 32266
Email ebook entries and entry form to pp4@passionateink.org.
Must be in .pdf format. Official Publisher-released digital versions of print books in .pdf are acceptable. Otherwise, print book submissions must be snail mailed in quantities of four books per entry.
1. All entries must be received by February 7, 2009. Any that arrive after this date will be disqualified and returned unopened.
2. It is the author’s responsibility to enter the book in the correct category. All clarifications as to category should be made prior to submission.
3. One novel cannot be entered in multiple categories, but multiple novels (up to three per category) are welcome if accompanied by the proper paperwork and full entry fee.
4. There must be a minimum of five entries or the category will be canceled. If the minimum number of entries is not attained, entrants will be notified. The entrant will be asked to provide a second choice of categories. If the entrant does not wish to place the entry in another category, the entry and associated fees will be returned.
5. If you are submitting a print book, feel free to sign your books. Remember, you must send four copies of the print book.
6. Failure to comply with the rules will result in disqualification.
7. Decisions of the Contest Coordinator are final.
Entry Fees: Passionate Ink members: $15 Others: $25 Email payments via PayPal to: Treasurer@passionateink.org or mail payments to:
Passionate Ink
Passionate Plume
c/o Robin L. Rotham
PO Box 2412
Norfolk, NE 68701
Make checks payable to: Passionate Ink ** A returned check fee of $7 will be charged for an NSF check**
**Be sure to write Passionate Plume and the title of your entry in someplace (such as the Memo field on a check, or the Other or Messages field in Paypal) so we can match your payment with your entry.**
1. Entry fees must be received prior to the entry deadline.
2. Include your name in the subject line and the titles of your entry(ies) in the Paypal comments box.
Email questions to Karen at pp4@passionateink.org. Entry if via email - Entry form to be copied into your email can be found at Passionate Plume Entry Form **If you have any problems or questions, email Karen at pp4@passionateink.org
Passionate Ink's Fourth Annual
Deadline: Deadline: 2/7/09
**Remember The Stroke of Midnight is a contest for unpublished erotic manuscripts. BOTH PUBLISHED AND UNPUBLISHED AUTHORS MAY ENTER. However, if published, this must be a new genre for the author (For example, if the author has published in paranormal erotic romance, she can enter in one of the other categories) **
Five Sizzling Finalists in Five Categories:
Contemporary - novels with erotic elements that focus on the developing romantic relationship in a contemporary setting. Includes series and single-title length romances. Can also include elements of romantic suspense/intrigue.
Historical - novels with erotic elements that focus on the developing
romantic relationship in a historical setting.
Futuristic/Fantasy/Sci-fi - novels with erotic elements that focus on the developing romantic relationship in any setting in the future, an alternate world/reality, or another planet. Includes elements such as elves/faerie, sword and sorcery, aliens, etc.
Paranormal/Time Travel - novels with erotic elements that focus on the developing romantic relationship in any setting that includes elements of time travel, angels, vampires, werewolves or other paranormal themes.
Novellas - novellas of 25,000 words or less with erotic elements that focus on the developing romantic relationship in any setting.
1. All novels entered must be at least 25,000 words in length. Novellas are considered 10,000 to 25,000 words.
2. All categories are open to alternative lifestyle entries–and any entry that reflects an erotic romance between two or more people, straight, gay, bi, or any romantic combination.
Judging and Prizes:
First Round : Preliminary-round judging will be completed by three qualified judges - Passionate Ink and other RWA members experienced in critiquing and/or published authors familiar with our genre. All scores will be added and averaged to determine the entrant’s ranking. Every attempt will be made to provide entrants with detailed score sheets and judges’ comments from this preliminary round. Top five entries in each category will move to final round.
Final Round : The top five finalists in each category will be ranked by the following industry professionals:
Contemporary: Adam Neville, Black Lace
Historical: Laura Bradford, Bradford Literary Agency
Futuristic/Fantasy/Sci-fi: Peter Senftleben, Kensington Aphrodisia
Paranormal/Time Travel: Jessica Faust, BookEnds Literary Agency
Novella: Tracy Bernstein, NAL Heat
First place winners in each category will receive a free one year membership in Passionate Ink ($25 value), a certificate, and an award graphic for their website. (Writing teams will split the membership.) All other finalists will receive certificates and and a finalist graphic for their website. All entries will be returned after finalists are determined and statistical information is complete. Winners will be announced at the Passionate Ink gathering at the Romance Writers’ of America National Conference in Washington DC. Results will be listed on the Passionate Ink website and in the chapter’s newsletter.
The decisions of judges are final.
Rules for Entry
Contest is open to all authors with unpublished, uncontracted full-length erotic romance manuscripts (at least 10,000 words) in the category they wish to enter.
Entry Deadline and Mailing:
Deadline for entry is February 7, 2009. All materials must be received by then.
Three easy steps to enter!
1 - Email all information from the entry form to som4@passionateink.org with the title "SOM Entry". All entries will be confirmed.
2 - Attach your entry to your email in RTF or a Word 2003 compatible format.
3 - Send your entry fee, either via Paypal to Treasurer@passionateink.org or by check to
Passionate Ink
Stroke of Midnight Contest
c/o Robin L. Rotham
PO Box 2412
Norfolk, NE 68701
1. Entry form and payment must be received by the Contest Coordinator by February 7, 2009. Any entries received without corresponding entry form and fee by the deadline will be disqualified.
2. Submit entries (or questions) via email to SOM4@passionateink.org. It is the author’s responsibility to enter the manuscript in the correct category. All clarifications as to category should be made prior to submission.
3. Entrants may enter as many categories as they wish with DIFFERENT submissions, but cannot enter the same manuscript in two categories. Each entry must be accompanied by the appropriate entry fee and Entry form.
4. There is a minimum requirement of 10 entries per category. If a category does not receive a sufficient number of submissions to make the category viable, the category will be canceled. The entrant will be asked to provide a second choice of categories. If the entrant does not wish to place the entry in another category, the entry and associated fees will be returned.
Entry Fees:
Passionate Ink members: $15
Others: $25
Email payments via PayPal to: Treasurer@passionateink.org
or mail payments to:
Passionate Ink
Stroke of Midnight Contest
c/o Robin L. Rotham
PO Box 2412
Norfolk, NE 68701
Make checks payable to: Passionate Ink ** A returned check fee of $7 will be charged for an NSF check**
**Be sure to write Stroke of Midnight and the title of your entry in someplace (such as the Memo field on a check, or the Other or Messages field in Paypal) so we can match your payment with your entry.**
1. Entry fees must be received prior to the entry deadline.
2. Include your name in the subject line and the titles of your entry(ies) in the Paypal comments box.
Entry Format:
1. All entries must be electronic in RTF or a Word 2003 compatible format.
2. Send a maximum of the first 35 pages of your manuscript, 20 pages for novella entries.
3. Entries must be in proper manuscript format: One sided, double-spaced with one inch margins all around, size 12 font (like Times New Roman or Courier) is recommended.
4. On the first page only, title and category on top left; page number on top right. Subsequent pages should include only title and page number.
5. Name of author should not appear anywhere on manuscript; the entry will be disqualified if name is on submission.
6. A synopsis of up to 5 single-spaced pages (which will not be judged) must also be included. No cover page is necessary.
Email questions to Mia and Felicia at som4@passionateink.org.
**If you have any problems or questions, email som4@passionateink.org
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
A Shout-Out To All You iPhone Lovers
I don't have an iPhone, I have a Mogul by HTC. But they both have one thing in common that most phones don't.
I carry around about fifty e-books on my cell phone, something that surprises people who only use the standard Razrs and flip phones that come with most plans. Yeah, I paid extra for that, and the ability to have weather, and take notes when I get a story idea in the middle of the grocery store (I just type it into my phone and voila! instant portable outline). I can take pictures, record video...
Ahem. Yeah, love my phone. =)
And I know that iPhone lovers love their phones, too, for similar reasons. So this news should be pretty welcome:
Austin, TX - November 18, 2008 - BooksOnBoard, the premier ebook retailer, has entered into definitive agreements with Samhain Publishing Ltd. and Lexcycle, Inc. to make the entire Samhain romantic fiction catalog of ebooks available on Lexcycle’s Stanza. Stanza is the highest rated and most popular ebook reader for the iPhone and iPod Touch.
Cool, right? To read the entire article, click here!
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Monday, November 17, 2008
Book Naming Contest
Bella Luna, book 4 of the Halle Pumas, needs a name change. It turns out Samhain has a book titled La Bella Luna already in it's line-up, and I totally agree that means Belle's book title gets changed.
However, nothing I've come up with works. So, here's the deal:
There is an excerpt here of HP4. I'm starting this thread here for contest entries. My editor, the lovely Angela James, and I will read over those entries. If you come up with the winning title, you'll have your choice of prizes:
1. A gift certificate to Books On Board (which can be given as soon as the contest ends - no delayed gratification!);
2. An ARC of Very Much Alive, Book 1 of True Destiny, before it releases in February (the ARC would be given in February, and will be available only in e-book format);
3. A free copy of Cat of a Different Color or Sweet Dreams or The Wallflower (available only in e-book format; again, no delayed gratification!)
4. A copy, signed by me, of Hunting Love (available only in print; would require a physical mailing address and would not be given until March, so definite delayed gratification!)
The winner will also get, regardless of choice of prize, a mention in my dedication of HP Book 4! So go read the excerpt and help us come up with a title!
P.S.: The contest ends December 15th!
Shirley, I've sent your copy! Enjoy!
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Not Long Now
Four more days, four more days, four more days...
Yup, the Snoopy dancing has already begun.
And only three more days before I give away an ARC of Cat of a Different Color! If you haven't gone to my website and entered the contest, hurry! Time's almost up!
Oh, and on Monday, when I announce the winner, I'll be starting a new contest connected to Book 4 of the Halle Pumas. Stay tuned!
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Monday, November 10, 2008
I've Been Interviewed
How long have you been writing?
I’ve been writing off and on since I was thirteen years old, although in my twenties and early thirties it was more off than on. I started off writing fantasy and science fiction, and it took me a while to figure out that wasn’t where my “voice” was. Once I figured out that my style was more suited to romance, I tried writing a story for Harlequin. Well, that didn’t really pan out; trying to write for Harlequin, to give them what I thought they wanted, led me to realize that I don’t really do very well when I try to write something with a serious tone. My sense of humor got in my way. The hero kept telling me he just wanted to throw the heroine over his shoulder and cart her off for some fun in the sack.
To read the rest of the interview, click here!
Only One Week
Friday, November 7, 2008
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Chatting at Fallen Angles Reviews
Man, my fingers are going to be tired...
The chat begins at 9 p.m. EST and ends at 10 p.m. Hope to see you there!
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Belinda “Belle”
Rick has waited patiently for Belle to heal enough for him to finally bring home. Now that he has her, a bitch with an eye out for Belle’s position, both in his bed and out, is making herself heard. The only way to stop her is for Belle to accept her challenge and defeat her in combat. There’s only one problem: Belle, thanks to the pins in her hip, can’t shift. If Belle can’t shift and fight, Rick might be forced to make a decision that will change everything for the newly mated pair.
That is, if Belle gives him the chance to make it.
That's the unedited blurb for Bella Luna! From what I understand it'll be released some time in Spring 2009.
Book 5, and the final book of the Halle Pumas, I'm hoping to have done by the end of January. After that I'm hoping to expand into other shifters. I'm not certain if all the shifter books will be novella length or not; it will depend on the story and the main story arc as new shifters discover life in Pennsylvania.
Congratulations, President-Elect Obama

Congratulations, Mr. Obama!
As McCain said in his concession speech, "The American people have spoken." I was one of those who spoke, and from what I'm seeing on the news, I wasn't the only one. We had a larger voter turnout for this election than at any other time since nineteen oh-eight.
Way to go, America. No matter who you voted for, Republican or Democrat, you got your voice heard. It was absolutely amazing and heartening to see lines forming around corners as people who'd never voted and people who'd always voted went to the polls.
Now all I need to see some day is an Italian American president, preferably female...

Favorite Quotes
"Last night, I lay in bed looking up at the stars in the sky and thought to myself, "Where the heck is the ceiling?" - Dilbert
"Aim at the high mark and you will hit it. No, not the first time, not the second time and maybe not the third. But keep on aiming and keep on shooting for only practice will make you perfect. Finally you'll hit the bull's-eye of success." - Annie Oakley
"The very existence of flamethrowers proves that sometime, somewhere, someone said to themselves, 'You know, I want to set those people over there on fire, but I’m just not close enough to get the job done.'” - George Carlin
"I hear there's a wild bridge tournament down the street. And you know Bridge. It's a lot like sex. If you don't have a great partner, you'd better have a good hand." Barry Weiss, Storage Wars
"You know, I used to think it was awful that life was so unfair. Then I thought, wouldn't it be much worse if life were fair, and all the terrible things that happen to us come because we actually deserve them? So, now I take great comfort in the general hostility and unfairness of the universe." - Marcus Cole, Babylon 5, "A Late Delivery From Avalon"
"I aim to misbehave." - Capt. Malcolm Reynolds