Unless, of course, you're out of spoons. But hey! I'll take fewer spoons if they all taste like this:
Mmm. Chocolate...
Okay. For those of you who follow me on Facebook, you probably know most of this. For those who don't, I'm sorry the blog has seemed to fall by the wayside. This year has been one hell of a roller coaster ride so far, and I don't see it ending any time soon.
For startes, Dusty and I closed on our new house in May, and we've finally sold the old one (knock on wood, because we close on the 30th). We've mostly gotten our acts together, if not our boxes completely unpacked. We know what we still need to purchase and what we don't, because our new house is larger than the old one. It's more handicap friendly, and allows Dusty and I to each have a workspace without having to take over the living or dining rooms. I love how my office is coming along; the curtains are hung, the TV is up, the fireplace works and there are spots for my furbabies.
I still need to paint and hang some pictures up, but the builders suggested we wait on that. In May they come back and fix any settlement cracks or nail pops.After that, I'll probably paint the walls a nice, neutral gray.Have I mentioned I HATE beige? Or Apartment White?
As far as my health goes, I've had my ups and downs, and a slew of new medicines. Some worked (Tramadol), and some did not (Amitriptyline). We're still messing with the cocktail I have to take on a daily basis as my symptoms get under control, only to show new ones. I'm also finding there's more wrong with me than we first thought, but it's all slowly coming out of the shadows and getting taken care of.
Unfortunately, changing meds means changing me, at least a little. The amitriptyline turned me into a serious zombie. Dusty would come into the bedroom, check if I was still breathing, and let me sleep. This went on for about two weeks before I put my foot down. The reaction to the medicine is rare, but I took myself off it with the doctor's permission, and now I'm only a third zombified.
Now, on to the stuff you really wanted to know: BOOKS!
First off, I've got a contract for Figure of Speech (Halle Shifters 4)!
Halle Shifters Book 4
Genre: Paranormal Romance
Length: Novel
ISBN: ??
Release Date: ??
No words are needed when two hearts speak as one.
Chloe Williams has waited four very long years for her mate to acknowledge her. He has turned her away time and again for being too young for him, even when she was in the hospital recovering from a traumatic beating. Now that he's been turned into a Wolf, his mating instincts are kicking in big time. Chloe has to decide if it's worth risking her heart yet again.
Ten years older than Chloe and dealing with issues she knows nothing about, veterinarian James Woods is about ready to howl in frustration. He'd been drawn to Chloe since she was a radiant nineteen year old college student, but the age difference held him back from making a move on her. Now his Wolf wants what's his, and Jim is finally in a place where he can claim what is his.
Between meddling mothers, Hunter brothers and a mystery that threatens to end Chloe's life, will they finally be able to communicate to each other just how they feel, or will they find themselves separated by more than misunderstood words?
Warning: This book contains explicit sex, graphic language, and two people who finally get their damn act together.
Jim and Chloe will get their book in 2015. Once I have a firmer date than that I'll let you know. This will go to print, but it might not be until 2016 depending on the e-book release date. Also, be aware that the title may change to More Than Words; my editor and I are discussing it, at my instigation.
Next, Oberon and Cassie finally get together on September 16th in Siren's Song (Gray Court 5).
The Gray Court Book 5
Genre: Paranormal Romance
Length: Novel
ISBN: 978-1-61922-168-0
Release Date: September 16, 2014
A crescendo of evil could destroy their perfect harmony.
Oberon is well and truly lost, with no memory of who he is, where he came from, or where he’s going. One woman makes his palms sweat and his heart race, a woman with turquoise eyes and a beautiful voice. Instinct tells him she’s the only one who can save him.
Cassie knows the truth—he is the High King, her truebond, the one man born to be hers and hers alone. Restoring his memory and keeping him out of the Black Court’s clutches is her mission, though success means losing him. Yet to give the world back its High King, she will make that sacrifice.
As soon as Oberon’s memory comes crashing back through his mind’s closed door, he makes one vow. Though beset by enemies, chased and attacked, he will return to his rightful place with his Queen by his side.
Except when he makes good on his vow, all hell breaks loose. And when Cassie's life is threatened, the fae world will bow before the High King or pay the price in blood.
Warning: This title contains explicit sex, graphic language, fishy shenanigans and royal naughtiness.
It should be out in print late next year.
In Maggie's Grove, Ash finally gets his witch in Of Shadows and Ash (Maggie's Grove 3), coming October 13 with Carina Press.
Maggie's Grove Book 3
Genre: Paranormal Romance
Length: Novel
ISBN: 9-781-42689-913-3
Release Date: October 13, 2014
Overprotective dryad Ashton Ward is pissed off. His mate Selena has been tortured by humans who hunt supernaturals, and she’s flat-out refusing to let him near her as she heals. Her magic is so compromised that just being near her puts him in danger, but he’s sure he can help ease her pain if she’ll just let him.
To keep Ash safe, witch doctor Selena Giannone wants to handle the fallout from her nightmare alone. But she might be dealing with more than the agonizing loss of her powers—something’s haunting her house so badly the land itself is afraid. A demon so powerful nothing in Maggie’s grove can tame it alone.
Terrified, exhausted and out of options, Selena turns to Ash for help. The enemy needs two things to feed: Selena’s powers, yes, but also it needs her fear. And if there’s a magic that can save her, it lies with Ash—with his touch, and with their bond.
Warning: This title contains explicit sex and graphic language.
As Carina doesn't do much in the way of print, I expect this will remain e-book only, but if that changes I'll let you know.
Not Broken (True Destiny 5) will be out mid-December. The paperwork I have says the 16th; I'll let you know if that changes.
True Destiny Book 5
Genre: Paranormal Romance, Menage (M/M/F)
Length: Novella
ISBN: 978-1-61922-387-5
Release Date: December 16, 2014
Three hearts are stronger than the sum of their scars.
Slade Saeter endured centuries of torture, longing for the day could claim Magnus Tate and Sylvia Grimm as mates. Now freedom is his, but nightmares still plague this son of Loki, and he fears his lovers will believe him too fragile to bond.
Always attracted to both sexes, Magnus never thought he could have the woman of his dreams, not when she was broken by his own father, her heart shattered by Thor's infidelities and their ultimate divorce. But Slade’s determination gives him a glimmer of hope.
Never one to let anything keep her down for long, Sylvia has long since healed from her ex-husband’s betrayals. But accepting her own stepson as a bonded mate? While it’s something she can wrap her body around, her heart is another story.
As three war-weary, damaged hearts slowly find balance among them, they form bonds of surprising strength. But with danger descending upon them with the fury of a Valkyrie, time is the one thing they may not have.
Warning: This title contains explicit sex, graphic language and only two people who know for sure if Slade really is hung like a horse. (They aren't talking.)
I've seen a mock-up of the cover art, and I have to say it's gorgeous. I'm looking forward to sharing it with you. I've also gotten the first round of edits for this one just yesterday, so I'll be working on those this weekend. I also know the above blurb will be changed slightly; my editor thinks, and I agree, that it would read better if we put Magnus first rather than Slade.
Now for the works in progress:
Work is going well on Raven and Amanda's book in the Gray Court, Never More. I realized during last week, when I wasn't feeling well and couldn't work much, that there were some issues that needed to be worked out before I could get to the next quarter of the book. I'm in the process of fixing those this week. This always happens at some point during the process, and I'd rather fix them as I catch them than keep going. It will just nag at me and nag at me and I'll wind up with writer's constipation until I fix it.

Let that image percolate in your brains for a while. Heh.
Finally, I already have a contract for the fourth Maggie's Grove Book, Song of Midnight Embers. It will be all about Greer and Mollie; I already have a rough outline of what needs to happen, but I need to do a more fleshy one before I start work on it. I need to turn it in by the end of December,so I'll need to get Raven's story done quickly. Luckily, he and Amanda are cooperating for the most part, so Greer and Mollie won't have to wait too long.
I know several of you have asked about the last Heart's desire book. Daniel and Kerry will get their story when I'm done Greer and Mollie's. The fourth Beckett brother's tentative book title is Wolf's Bane, but that might get changed if Samhain has a similar title.
And that's it! I'll try and be a better blogger, I promise! And if I'm not, threaten to take away the Magic Box of Chocolate hidden in my office. That usually motivates me.
Thanks for the update Dana Marie! I'm thinking I need to buy a package of catnip for kitty.....lol
Good to know some of my favs are coming out soon. I can't wait. Love your office and your hottie of the month - that Alan Rickman gets more gorgeous as he gets older, and his voice.... I'm glad Tramadol is working out for you, made me zone out completely and I didn't like it.
Ugh. The Amytrpitaline did that to me. I literally slept all day, woke long enough to eat and take it again, and went right back to sleep. And when I was awake, I could barely function. And that was on the lowest does possible! The doc still doesn't understand why I had such a strong reaction to it, but I'm never taking it again.
So glad that you are better love your books about the Halle pumas. Thank you for writing Chloe and Jim's story. Will Jamie finally claim his second mate?
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